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I'm not on Internet at this moment
Czechs In Ireland   01. 01. 2007 - 01. 06. 2008
My private project called Czechs in Ireland (in Czech "Češi v Irsku") has been developed from the beginning of 2007.

I was missing this kind of site for Czechs in Ireland. We've had some portals about news in Ireland, but haven't had community server ala Web 2.0. I wanted to create some kind of this site, where the users could upload photos, write blogs, chat or send messages to friends, place ads, meet new friends, etc...
That's why it's here.

The project was written during evenings after work, so it took one year to finish the works and I'm still improving it.
I am fully responsible for this project started by the design and finished by the bug fixing. Project uses Javascript Prototype framework and Firebird as a database. As a scripting language was used PHP. The site is fully AJAX-compatible and is implemented as an all-in-one solution. CMS is included in the UI and written from scratch.